
After hundreds of years of blindly exploiting nature for ‘progress’, businesses now have a way to visualize how they can positively impact land and partner with nature.  

Stratifyx serves their customer by using the latest technology and geospatial data while leveraging decades of experience restoring nature around the globe.  

Customers survey millions of acres of land and identify the best areas for regenerating ecosystem services. Within those landscapes, Stratifyx helps determine the best land use scenario for maximizing both ecological impact and economic returns.



Land use decision support for: Land Asset Managers, Project Developers, Conservation Organizations, Architects and anyone looking to improve their land.

Helps you take a deeper look at a landscape scale: Examine all available ecological and natural resource information to holistically consider the full spectrum of ecosystem service values.

Identifies the best land for a specific nature-based purpose: Identify areas of interest that meet your specified criteria

Based on decades of ecological experience and thousands of projects: Incorporates the lessons, practices and outcomes of 40 years of ecological restoration and 20,000+ conservation projects conducted around the world.

  • Project Developers, Design & Architecture, Engineers, Conservation Organizations. Environmental Consulting


    Surveying large landscapes can take months or years. Land Managers must compress the time required to make informed decisions for protecting natural resources.

    StratifyX Solution

    Through the “Explore” function, StratifyX finds parcels or areas of interest that hold the most potential for preserving ecosystem services.

  • Supply Chain Risk Management, Corporate Sustainability


    Creating more resilient and sustainable supply chains in response to climate change and biodiversity loss is a complex endeavor. Visualizing potential solutions and assembling focused action plans is time consuming and resource intensive.

    StratifyX Solution

    The StratifyX “Explore” function can identify high risk areas and determine where to monitor for impacts.

    The StratifyX Services Team helps to establish land management plans to mitigate supply chain risk.

    StratifyX “Monitor & Report” functions distill data into impact reports to help refine action plans over time.

  • Conservation Nonprofits, Sustainable Investment Firms, Impact Investors and Progressive Corporations


    Directing investment funds to yield the most positive impact on nature is complex and time consuming. Ensuring real, sustainable benefits for the environment is risky and difficult.


    StratifyX provides trusted and comprehensive information for identifying areas of focus and making sound investment decisions.

  • Environmental and Agriculture Regulators and Policy Makers


    Managing high priority natural resource areas can be complex and time consuming. Generating and sharing information among program applicants and regulators can expedite permit issuance or grant awards.


    StratifyX presents ecological data for an area of interest to confirm compliance with land use restrictions and stewardship plans.


 Stratifyx provides a complete picture
to inform actionable plans.

Never before have land stewards been able to rapidly assess a landscape from a fully informed position backed by nature’s intelligence.